The Parish Liturgy Team
is a vital cell of the church which plans, animates and organises daily praise and worship service. The Parish Liturgy Team
prepares weekly liturgies and works to prepare for major liturgical feasts and events throughout the liturgical year. Different
Cells work together for the smooth organisation of the liturgy: The active involvement of the Ministries of the Eucharist,
thru the Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Altar Servers, Lectors, Choirs,
Cantors, Ushers, Host Makers, Pact and other parish groups is fostered.
· Choirs for
each mass over a weekend
· Animators
for each mass over the weekend
· Daily Mass
· Ministers
of Holy Communion
· Lectors
· Altar Servers
· Parish Altar
Care Team (P.A.C.T.)
· Ushers
· Host Makers
· Eucharistic
Adoration Chapel Team
PLT also collaborates
with other associations to provide prayer, reflection, faith sharing, and communion. The aim of the liturgy team has always
been to create a renewal of the liturgical activity in the parish, by fostering an improvement in the quality of participation
of the faithful in the sacraments and other liturgical as well as para-liturgical services. The thrust has always been on
interiorisation of the participation rather than too much focus on externals.