Synod of the Archdiocese of Bombay 2001 has made it clear that ‘In today’s context when individualism, consumerism
and a strong tendency towards independence are militating against the life that Jesus came to give to the world, we are invited
to deepen the concept of Community. All of belong to and are part of a faith-filled and believing community. We are called
not as individuals but together, for we are a community of faith, founded upon Baptism and nourished by the Eucharist, the
Sacrament of unity. Our spirituality needs to be communitarian, one that leads to an involvement with and inclusion of others,
a spirituality that is both, vertical and horizontal in dimension’.
(PSD, No. 22)
Parish of Our Lady of Salvation Dadar has been fostering SCCs right from the beginning when SCCs were first introduced in
this Archdiocese. This year therefore along with the Archdiocesan Silver Jubilee Celebration of SCCs we celebrate our own
long-standing efforts at building community.
Parish is divided into 23 Communities or Constituencies, each under the care of a Steering Committee Animator as follows:
Constituency |
S.C.C. Animator |
1 |
Maria D'Souza |
2 |
Levnisia D’Souza |
3 |
Nerissa D'Souza |
4 |
Elaine D’Souza |
5 |
Everton Rodricks |
6 |
Remmy Nunes |
7 |
Fiona Rodrigues |
8 |
Henry Duarte |
9 |
Shirley Fernandes |
10 |
Veronica Miranda |
11 |
Alzira Soans |
12 |
Caridade Rodrigues |
13 |
Cissy Remedios |
14 |
Rita Fernandes |
15 |
Siena D’Souza |
16 |
Hyginus D’Souza |
17 |
Anna Fernandes |
18 |
Effie Rebello |
19 |
Esperance Fernandes |
20 |
Estelle D’Souza |
21 |
Vera Mascarenhas |
22 |
Francis D'Costa |
23 |
Anita D’Souza |
Steering Committee Animators function in collaboration with the elected Parish Councillor of each Constituency.
year our Parish is working on organizing Clusters within each Community.

On 26th September when the SCC
animators along with their core group headed to Gorai for a training session,
little did they know how fulfilling the day would turn out to be.
The team comprised of Cluster Heads &
PPC members, in all 48 members along with Fr.Mario Mendes, Spiritual Director of the SCC. The trip began at 7 am with a musical
ride. Sprightly singing and a melodious harmonica filled the air with a fresh sense of joy.
Soon the team reached Gorai. A quick breakfast
was followed by the first part of the training - Event Management. This session was in two parts – Planning, which was
conducted by Levnisia D’Souza and Execution which was explained by Fr. Mario Mendes.
A role play session by two teams effectively carried out the planning and execution meetings, interactively discussed
by all members. This session was enlightening for the active team that added valuable inputs and suggestions on the same.
After the training the members participated
in the Holy Eucharist which was celebrated by Fr. Mario Mendes.
After mass, the group joined in a sing song
session led by Henry Duarte and Everton Rodricks. This soulful session led to a sumptuous lunch which the group thoroughly
enjoyed. Later the group was divided into 5 teams. Quiz and fun-filled Tele games were played by the teams thanks to Remmy
Nunes. Winning teams also won prizes. This was not all. The fun extended into group dancing, the team danced and moved to
groovy Goan masala. For all these to sink in right, the team then went for a walk
on the serene Gorai beach and a dip in the blue sea. A day where every hour was a fun and learn experience!
Alfred Nogueira
Parish Coordinator & Lay Head of SCCs
The Parents’ Day was celebrated on 25th
July 2010 in the four zones of our Parish. Keeping in tune with the theme of the year “Care for creation”, a play
by our Theatre Ministry on conservation and proper use of resources was acted out at all the four venues by our youth. This
was followed by an input session & interaction by the Family cell which brought about an awareness on how we should safeguard
our natural resources and conserve power. The programme and snacks was centrally monitored by the core team. Sincere thanks
to the all the zonal priests, the core team, animators and cluster heads for all the efforts put in to make this programme
a success.
Alfred Nogueira
Parish Coordinator

Day celebrations in St Mathew’s Zone
On 25th July 2010 our parish celebrated the Parents day. St Mathew’s
Zone managed to bring together over 370 people from its 6 constituencies, was held at the Salvation School under croft at
11 am. The theme this year was “Care for Creation”.
All the items put up during the entertainment was in
keeping with the theme of the day. The backdrop put up was a wonderful collage of various paper depicting God and all his
creations, the earth, the land and waters, animals, trees and plants and his masterpiece creation - Man and Woman.
programme began with a prayer dance by the youth praising and honouring God for all that he has given us. As part of the dance
we had children depicting nature and its resources, the Priests and leaders depicting our church leaders and elders and finally
our parents and families as our most secure place within the home. Our tiny tots sang the welcome song with their joyful voices,
trained by Lystra.
The youth enacted the play followed by an interaction session conducted by Fr. Cajetan Menezes highlighting
the ways in which we could conserve energy and avoid wastage of our resources. We also had a couple form the zone who spoke
on parenting and how they are nurturing their two young boys into adulthood in the present days.
Everyone was going
green so the high school students in their green costumes and fancy green leaves on their shirts got the crowd swaying to
the foot tapping beats of Mariapitashe. The programme ended with the entire crowd joining in to some common sing song
led by a team of young elders. Maria Fernandez finally thanked all the fathers present, the nuns, the parents and families
and all the participants and volunteers who made the morning a memorable one.
- Levnisia D’Souza
Zonal Head

Parents’ Day celebrations in St. Mark’s Zone
The Parents Day programme
of St. Marks Zone was well attended with a more or less uniform representation
from all communities across the zone. The banner aptly depicted the
Theme " Care of Creation" and the message brought out very meaningfully. The
entire programme was well structured and smooth flow maintained throughout
. The opening prayer reflected the right sentiments and was very
touchingly worded. The family skit enacted by the talented youth of
our zone was able to highlight the message and the theme very effectively.
The interactive session was conducted very professionally and meaning dialogue
ensued with interesting inputs higlighting the dos and donts in
caring for creation being shared in different groups. The programme
was well punctuated with slots for games,singing and poetry recitation by
the little tots. Fr Marios address emphatically stressed the need for a participatory
and communitarian church in todays world.
It was indeed a delightful
evening and a communty building exercise that will linger in our
Zonal Head

It was encouraging to see our kids dancing and acting. It felt very good to be welcomed by the kids. Then we
were also enlightened about to go green and be eco friendly.
The slogans we learnt, “Reduce”, “Reuse”, “Recycle” are very relevant to
save Planet Earth.
Thank you children for feeding us with Love & a Big God Bless you all.
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy & Philomena Gregory
Aijchea yeh karyakram amchea paryavoron green ani clean dovopacho, amchea gorkan electric bachat tosen udog
samaunv amchea fudchea pidi chintonk zaun.
Tosanch voh karyakram amcho St. John Zone ektain younv sogleancho entertainment zatan..
Mr. Damian & Aveline Lobo

On Sunday, 11 April 2010, at the Goregaon Seminary, His Lordship Bishop Bosco Penha graced the occasion where
35 participants from across the archdiocese of Mumbai graduated on completion of the TOA course. The Training of Animators
(TOA) course began 10 years ago and has trained over 340 candidates so far, by the specialized FILMC group, headed by Fr.
Patrick D’Mello.
The course is conducted over a nine month period and the participants meet on the third Sunday of every month
from July to March. There are two weekend sessions which are compulsory to attend. The course comprises varied topics such
as methods of conducting a gospel sharing within the clusters and communities, assertiveness and presentation skills, anger
management, conducting effective meetings and matter related to topics such as social awareness, social justice and civic
and political matters. The session on civic and political matters was particularly enlightening as it showed that the work
of Animators is not limited within the church walls but goes beyond the boundaries of the church. We need to be aware of all
the various avenues that we as animators can function and help guide and direct the people within our communities. We are
not limited to just forming and functioning as small Christian communities but we need to reach out to all the people including
those of other faiths living within our communities.
The SCC has completed 25 years of existence in Mumbai and it was very encouraging to see more and more participants
coming to attend this course. The SCC’s are a part and parcel of every parish within Mumbai. The lay people who are
heading the various communities need to be empowered to deal with parishioners who form the communities they head. The SCCs
do not only conduct prayer meeting or religious activities but help in making the church reach out to every parishioner. The
goal of the present day church is to become more communitarian and participatory. In his sermon His Lordship stressed the
need for more animators from all the parishes to attend this training programme.
The evening started with Holy Mass followed by a few individuals giving a testimony of how this programme
has helped them to flower and bloom in their work as Animators and also in their own personal lives. This was followed by
the certificate distribution ceremony and ended with the commissioning, by the bishop of all the 35 participants to take on
the role of an Animator in their respective communities or cluster.
- Levnisia
Bro. Gavin Lopes of Constituency No. 11 was ordained a Deacon on 13th September 2009 at St. Pius Seminary,
Goregaon. He is the first Deacon being ordained from the community and was felicitated by them, by organizing a prayer vigil
followed by a fellowship in the quadrangle of Leela Mansion on Thursday, 10th September 2009.
For photographs click on the below link: