WOMEN’S DAY was celebrated on 8th March, 2010 in Salvation Seva Kendra Hall at 2.30p.m.
Mrs. Fatima Rodrigues welcomed one and all for the centenary celebration of Women’s Day. She spoke on the Social Economic
and Political Empowerment of Women – as the biggest change, sweeping across the world. She praised the work done by
Jennifer Fernandes and Mrs. Sunita Borkar of the CCO for the wonderful work they are doing in helping the needy, specially
the marginalized.
Fr. Aniceto Pereira – Chief Guest for the evening, gave a warm welcome to one and all, especially the
women who were present and thanked them for the good work carried out at the Centre. This was followed by the lighting of
the lamp by Fr. Aniceto Pereira with few other representatives.
Thereafter, Mrs. Maria Miranda gave a speech in Marathi and announced that if all goes well, Women’s
Bill would be passed in the Parliament – securing 33% Seats of Women’s Legislators. This was the Vision of late
Prime Minister – Mr. Rajiv Gandhi and his wife Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, unveiling the vision of empowering all women. Everyone
present gave a huge round of applaud.
This was followed by a Variety Entertainment of song and dance and a beautiful skit put up by some women
on discrimination of girl child, which was very well enacted and appreciated.
The function ended with fellowship & light refreshments.
Mrs. Mona D’Souza