The Ninth monthly Meeting of the S C Group was held on Monday, in the Parish Hall at 7 p.m. Main Topics discussed were
the Accounts and the Feedback of the Christmas Fiesta function held on 18th December 2008.
A total of 136 members/guests and 5 invitees were present. The feedback received was that the function was a huge success.
The Accounts showed a small surplus of Rs.3000/- specially from the donation received.
The tenth monthly meeting of the S C Group was held on Monday, 9th February on the first floor of the Seva
Kendra in the Conference Room. The main topics discussed were the fees to be collected for the year 2009 and finalization
of the date and plan for the picnic to the Pinewood Resorts, Karjat.
The date was fixed for Sunday, 8th March 2009 and the amount charged was Rs.350/- per head. No guests were
permitted, as there was a waiting list of 6 to 8 members. Ultimately, 56 members including Fr Benny boarded the bus at 7.30
a.m. outside the church. Although, it was a 2 hrs. drive each way, everybody enjoyed themselves and actively participated
in the games, singing and swimming at the poolside and also the rain dance.
The Eleventh Monthly Meeting of the S C Group was held on 10th March 2009. It also happened to be Fr. Benny’s
82nd Birthday. He was felicitated by all the members of the Managing Committee.
At this Meeting it was proposed to hold the AGM on Sunday, 26th April 2009. Also discussed at this Meeting
was a letter received from Fr. Cajetan Menezes on behalf of the Diocessan Human Life Committee which invited our Group to
participate in the celebration of Pro Life Day i.e. Thursday, 26th March 2009 at the Carmel Convent, Bandra. This
year’s theme was the “Gift of the Elderly”.
This programme commenced at 4.30 p.m. with the celebration of the Eucharist by Bishop Agnelo Gracias, assisted by Fr.
Cajetan and Fr. Mervin. This was followed by refreshments, an input session and a short entertainment programme by different
parishes like St. Anne’s Pali, St. Michael’s and Victoria Church, Mahim OLPS – Chembur and Our Lady of Salvation
Church, Dadar.
This variety entertainment by Senior Citizens put up by the different parishes was of a high standard. Our Group put
up a short skit of about 10 minutes which included song and dance by about 18 members. They sang and waltzed to the age old
favourites. The audience also sang and clapped in accompaniment. We are highly indebted to Myrtle Lobo for training the Group
at such a short notice.