The Care and Comfort Ministry is a parish activity
currently consisting of 9 members and it functions on behalf of our Church. This ministry has been functioning since March
2002. Fr. Henry is in charge. We visit bereaved families and also on request, the sick in their homes and in hospitals,
in and around the parish. Our members go out to visit in pairs.
Our basic function is to carry God's love and compassion
to the sad, the sick and suffering in the parish, so prayer plays a very important part.
We ask God to pour down His presence and healing love upon them and pray that they will be open to experience it. If
the deceased is the breadwinner, family needs are assessed. Each bereaved family is given a Mass card informing them that
a Mass would be offered for the soul of their departed loved one. This Mass is celebrated by the priest in charge on any day.
On occasions, we have been invited to visit non-Christians who were sick, and with God's grace and courage have prayed fruitfully. We have always been welcomed warmly and have experienced kindness and courtesy by
all. Our members are also rewarded by an experience of God's love, joy, peace and a sense of fulfillment that is different
from what one derives from other achievements.
This Ministry started functioning from March ’02.
In the following year our Church fathers decided to gift a Christmas cake to each of the families bereaved in the year. This
has been executed each year in the 3rd week of December by our members with great zeal and commitment to God and
His people. The recipients are most thankful and some are visibly touched by
the love and concern shown by the parish team.
The members of our ministry give all thanks and glory
to God, and we encourage all to be sensitive to the simple opportunities He gives us in our daily lives to express our love
and concern for one another. At some time every one of us will leave a bereaved
family behind and when we are called to ‘give an account' (as in Matt 25:34-36), may we hear our King say, "When I was
sad and lonely and sick and suffering, you visited and comforted me. Come O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared
for you ----."
If you feel you have the necessary qualities you are invited
to join this ministry. A few more members are most welcome.