The Helmet of Salvation Prayer Group had its root in Our Lady of Salvation School under the
leadership of Bro. White. They met each week with faithfulness and dedication. It was in the year 1978, our then Parish Priest
Rev. Msgr Jonathan Dias shifted the venue from the School to the Parish. To bring out the charisms in the members as listed
in 1 Cor 12:4 ff and to be an effective witness, Life in the Spirit Seminars for a duration of 7 weeks, one talk per week.
Initially this was held twice in a year. The Seminars were a guiding force for the spiritual growth. Since then for the last
36 years the prayer meetings have continued with seminars in between for a reawakening of existing members and awareness to
the new members.
To discern the needs and to give a sense of direction to the prayer group, we have a core group
which meets twice in a month. The weekly prayer is on Tuesdays at 7.30 PM in the Parish Hall. Format is Praise and Worship,
Testimonies, a Teaching on a topic either a series or a topic by itself supported by the Word of God and intercession. On
the first Tuesday of the month we have the celebration of the Eucharist. On every Thursdays we have Cell Meetings in small
groups of 6 to 7 to share their experiences and do a systematic discipleship study. The current study is in one group.
PARISH INVOLVEMENT: The Word of God has a very positive influence in the lives of the members.
It is because of their own faith experience rooted in the Word of God they have been motivated to be catechists both in the
confirmation program and in Regular Sunday School.
According to the charisms, there are ministries functioning i.e. Praise and Worship Ministry,
Intercession Ministry, Teaching Ministry and Service Ministry.
There is a hierarchy for the Charismatic Renewal for submission and direction. (1) The International
Service Team which is based in Rome – International representation
(2) The National Service Team based in Delhi – comprises
leaders from the States in India.
(3) Bombay Service Team based in Bombay – comprises representatives
from groups in Bombay. There is a link and reporting done.
We as a prayer group present monthly reports and take direction from the Bombay Service Team.
Our focus now is the vision of the Bombay Service Team for all the groups i.e. ‘HIM WE
PROCLAIM AND IN HIM WE GROW IN MATURITY.” This was done through a power point presentation when all the leaders and
core members met in September 2008. All our teachings now are based on Proclamation and Maturity.
Our Aim is to
foster on going growth in holiness through Personal Prayer, reading and studying the Word of God, weekly fellowship meetings,
and participation in a rich sacramental and liturgical life of the Church, thus participating in the pastoral plan of the
I had a problem and was advised to do a sonography of
my abdominal area. The test showed that I had multiple stones in both my kidneys and about 7 of them were fairly large measuring
between 4 and 8 mm. One kidney was also enlarged. As there was reason for concern, requests for prayers were sent
out to a number of people. I then saw a surgeon who wanted to do further tests in order to decide on the appropriate
procedure to be adopted to get rid of the stones. The test suggested was an IVP which involved the use of a dye but this could
only be done if my kidney function was normal. On checking, the createnine level
was found to be above normal so the IVP test could not be done. The surgeon then told me to do an MRI before he decided
on another course of action. The MRI showed no stones at all and no swelling of the kidney. Praise God.
I thank Jesus my Lord and Savior for the healing. I know nothing is impossible with God
who loves me; Matt 8:17 says ‘He has taken my infirmities and healed my diseases’. I have just experienced it.
Thank you God my Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I also thank all you loving people who
have prayed for me. Your prayers have been answered.
Seby Fernandes
Member, Helmet of Salvation prayer group
Yet again our Helmet of Salvation prayer group went on our annual fellowship outing, this time
to Gorai on 31st October.
After a time of Praise and Worship, the fun and games started while being aware of God’s
love and presence through the day. Some youth with an elder had planned surprise games to suit all ages. In the
midst of merriment and dancing a subtle workshop was introduced wherein each member had to greet each of the others with at
least a sentence of something nice they saw in the other. It was sweetness personified; emotions ran high. The need
for delivering and the effects of receiving positive strokes was well understood and experienced by all. Some
shared their experiences.
Lunch was a feast for the eyes and the tummy. With members placing their home cooked
food on the lunch tables, lovers of variety were fully satisfied!
At the
end of a day packed with activity and laughter, thanks went out to all who contributed big or small to make the day an enjoyable
one. Everyone was happy. Praise the Lord.
- Clifford Athaide
The Helmet of Salvation prayer group, Dadar, completed 36 years of its existence,
in July 2010. To mark the occasion, a thanksgiving Eucharist was celebrated on July 6 by our Priest-in-charge, Fr Michael
On July 13 a get-together was held at Seva Kendra. As always on this occasion
representatives from the cells/associations as also the priests of our parish, were invited.
The evening started with a time of Praise and Worship followed by games,
snacks and dinner. The highlight of the evening was a mimed skit with a commentary which ended with a prayer dance, produced
by some youth members.- The theme “whatever difficulties and rejection you may face in life, Jesus is always there to
support and accept you” was aptly portrayed.
Both the young and not so young had an enjoyable evening
Clifford Athaide
Eucharist & Christmas Party
On December 8, Fr Mario Mendes celebrated a Thanksgiving Eucharist for the Helmet of Salvation prayer group
where members placed written notes on the altar in a symbolic gesture of thanksgiving to God for Blessings received during
the year. This little act also helped individuals to become aware of God’s love which we often take for granted and
in our human nature tend to focus on what we have not received.
On the following Tuesday, 15th December, our members got together to usher in the Christmas season.
After a time of praise and worship, our youth planned competitive Christmassy games after getting the members into groups
named after common festive sweets like marzipan, neuries, culculs, etc. It was fun for all. The refreshments and snacks were
sponsored by a few members who celebrated their birthdays during that week.
We wish you all a Happy and Holy Christmas.
- Clifford Athaide
Please click on the below link to view the photographs of the Christmas Party:
The English prayer group went on its annual fellowship outing on 25th October to Madh
Island; a day of fun and games.
About 45 members/families attended. The day started with half hour of praise and worship. Games and
entertainment for all ages were planned basically by the youth.
Noteworthy was an item of hip-hop style dancing with singing praises and thanksgiving initiated by about
eight youth. Within minutes the full crowd, young and not so young, caught on and joined in; it was not with tumbrel and harp
but with CDs and guitar, all ‘making a joyful noise to the Lord’.
Lunchtime was a treat with members putting forth from their generous hearts onto a common dining table into
which everybody dived and it was seen that ‘none were in need’. The spread of variety could have embarrassed
any caterer. Truly, it was like the ‘Acts of the apostles’ come alive in this generation.
The one and a half hour journey back was like any picnic crowd with continuous singing but with a difference;
catchy tunes and words of praise and thanksgiving to God our provider of love and fellowship. The tempo and enthusiasm lasted
till the very end.
The Helmet of Salvation prayer group (English) held a recollection
for its members at the Seva Kendra hall on June 21 from 4 to 9:00 PM. About 35 members attended.
The theme of this recollection was, “Where am I right now and
what are my obstacles to spiritual growth.” Victor Pereira from Thane, a matured teacher in the Catholic Charismatic
Renewal conducted this recollection.
After a time of praise and worship the members broke up into groups
of 5 where they shared the obstacles they face in their special growth and in their lives. Then each group leader shared in
general each group’s findings.
This was followed by two sessions of talks by Victor. By a detailed
introspection he assisted the members in identifying the obstacles and through scripture provided us with solutions to overcome
them. Since we are often not responsible for the situations we are in and can do little to change them, we need to cultivate
and build up our inner lives which is basically done by a committed prayer time and meditation on the Word of God. Just as
we need food and rest and exercise to keep our bodies fit, we need to do the same with our souls: food is meditation on the
Word of God, rest is trusting in faith and exercise is learning and application. ‘Feeding our souls and cultivating
our inner lives is our responsibility’, Victor said. As it is important to see what we eat, it is equally important
to see what is eating us. The real issue is not that we have to face insurmountable problems but that we have been neglecting
cultivation of our inner lives.
Two scripture texts were of particular interest for meditation:
Prov. 4:23. Guard your hearts because what you allow entry into it
will determine the quality of your inner life.
Matt. 12:35. Is your soul a treasure box or a trash bin?
Finally Victor gave us some suggestions, recommended steps to be
taken and decisions were made to improve our inner lives.
- Clifford Athaide