The Our Lady of Salvation Medical Centre is a general and multi-speciality clinic located
on the Ground floor of the Salvation Seva Kendra. It is open to all irrespective of caste, creed or economic status. Besides
consultation, medicines are also dispensed at the clinic. Patients are initially screened by a social worker and depending
on economic status, are allocated to different categories with poorer patients paying a very marginal sum and affluent patients
paying full consultation fees.
1 |
5.00 PM TO 6.00 PM |
4.00 PM TO 5.00 PM |
5.00 PM TO 6.00 PM |
4.00 PM TO 5.00 PM |
4.30 PM TO 5.30 PM |
2 |
09.00 AM TO 01.00 PM |
3 |
11.00 AM TO 12.00 NOON |
10,OOAM TO 11,OOAM |
03 30 PM TO 04 30 PM |
03.00 PM TO 04.00 PM |
11 30 AM TO 12.30 NOON |
03.00 PM TO 04.00 PM |
T.B |
03.00 PM TO 05 00 PM |
On Sunday, 10th January 2010, the Salvation Medical Centre conducted a workshop on “Tips
to Healthy Cooking” by Nutritionist, Mrs. Geeta Palan.
The program began at
11.30 am with a Welcome Speech given by our very own Dr.Belinda Vaz. The basic
values of food, digestive periods of various fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts and seeds were explained. This information
was very enlightening to all who attended, serving as an eyes opener to the ill effects of frequent drinking of tea, cooking
foods in large amounts of oil, eating red meat, preparations of wheat (chapattis
etc). Alternative foods and methods of cooking were given to us.
The crowning glory
was the snacks prepared by Flory who had attended a previous talk by Mrs Geeta Palan, which were so tasty and nutritious that
everyone wanted second helpings.
The workshop concluded
with a vote of thanks by Dr.Belinda at 12.45 pm

On 8th of November, 2009, a Thyroid Camp was organized by Salvation Medical Centre which was opened to all. The camp was organized
by Dr Carlton Pereira, an eminent ENT Surgeon and sponsored by Abbott India Limited with a good turnout of 104 people both
young and old. The camp started at 11.15 am with an introduction by Dr. Belinda Vaz followed by a talk by Dr. Carlton Pereira.
He explained through a power point presentation the different types of thyroid problems/symptoms/medication. Dr. B.
Vaz then enlightened the audience through a powerpoint presentation on how the skin changes in thyroid problems. Then
followed the question/answer session.
Rev.Fr. Aniceto gave the vote of thanks and presented Dr. C. Pereira with a token of appreciation. The parishioners
then went in an orderly manner, according to their token numbers, picked up their plate of snacks, and lined up for their
blood test. The test was to detect an underactive or overactive thyroid. The whole programme was over by 1.30 pm.
The sponsors were impressed by the orderly and disciplined manner in which the camp was conducted.
A(H1N1) – Swine Flu/HIV/AIDS
The Salvation Medical Centre had arranged a talk on the recent scare of Influenza A(H1N1)
- Swine Flu on 14th of September’09 at 5.30 pm at the Parish Hall for the Konkani Prayer Group.
Dr Clement Fernandes, Chest Physician, who attends to TB patients at the Salvation Medical Centre kindly
agreed to give this talk enable remove the fear/ anxiety of the parishioners. He covered up following extensively through
a power point presentation –
1. Signs & Symtoms - How it
– spreads, diagnose, infecting some else, contagious, sources of contamination & Life of viruses outside the body.
2. Protection/Warning signs in children & Adult.
3. Precautions - Household cleaning,
laundry and waste disposal
4. Availability of Medicines - As vaccines unavailable -
Medicines like Tamiflu, Antiviral drugs are prescribed.
5. Names of Hospitals authorized/equipped to attend
to Swine Flu.
Simultaneously he also gave a talk through slide projection on the fast spreading
& deadly diseases - HIV/AIDS – a prime concern.
Eye Donation Camp
The Medical centre has initiated an eye donation project as part of our Outreach programme this season of Lent. In India,
we have about 1.25 crore blind people. About 30 lakhs of these are ‘corneally blind’, that is, their blindness
can be cured by a corneal graft from a donor. Unfortunately, there is a great shortage of people who donate their eyes after
death. Anyone can pledge their eyes. Eyes are donated only after death. After death, the next of kin inform the eye bank
and the eye bank personnel collect the donated eyes within 6 hours of death. The donated eyes are used to treat 2 blind individuals.
Here is how you can help. You can pledge your own eyes and encourage your family and friends to do the same. Whenever
there is a death in the family or neighborhood you can inform the next of kin about this noble cause. At the Medical centre
we will be maintaining a record of parishioners who wish to donate their eyes after death. Whenever the Church is informed
about a death, and if our records show that the person had pledged his or her eyes, someone from the medical Centre will remind
the next of kin about it. The relatives can also contact the eye bank directly. We have a stall set up in the Parish Hall
where you can learn more about this and pledge your eyes by filling up a form. Remember, that this small action can bring
light and joy to the lives of 2 blind people. For photographs please click on the following link:
Our Parishioner, Mr. Mozart Costabir, age 80
yrs had a sudden death on 18.5.09 at his residence at Madonna Apartments (Former
Resident of John’s Cot) His wife, Mrs Magdelina Costabir immediately advised
the Salvation Medical Centre about Mr. Costabir having pledged his eyes while
in Delhi
and requested to contact Gokhale Eye
Bank to do the needful. Accordingly, Dr. Nikhil Gokhale personally attended and removed the eyes in a matter of 15 minutes
with no disturbance to the nearest family members or religious rites. This was indeed
a noble beginning at our Parish after our eye donation awareness camp held in March 2009.
Remember- when you close your eyes in final rest know that
the others will open in wonder at the world around them. Your Eyes After Death Need Not
Perish – Donate your eyes to Help Someone See. Encourage
eye donation.
It was a great achievement and joy in seeing Our Lady Of Salvation Medical Centre completing its 25th year – Silver Jubilee - on 19th March, 2009 rendering yeomen and fruitful service to the parishioners and people of other faiths. On 22nd March 2009 we had the Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Neil Cerejo
which coincided with his first mass after his ordination to priesthood in thanksgiving to God and Mother Mary, Patroness of
the Medical Centre, for showering abundant blessings and giving the strength for its sustenance and growth. This was followed
by a small gathering at Salvation Undercroft. It was really heartening to see ex and present doctors, volunteers, staff and
various associations joyfully mingling with each other reliving the foundation day 25 years ago and its growth. Dr Anil Pinto,
Chief Guest, whose parents were instrumental in sowing the seeds for a medical centre, was felicitated along with Fr Rocky
Banz who took the initiative in founding the Centre. The programme started with
a Welcome Dance put up by the ladies of the self help group with all its simplicity and enthusiasm, giving thanks and praise
to God and evoking his blessings. The welcome address was given by Fr Aniceto Pereira, Parish Priest; a Power Point presentation
entitled “Milestones of The Salvation Medical Centre” was presented by Dr. Belinda Vaz, the Centre’s Medical
Superintendent, tracing the growth of the centre 25 years ago till today. A beautiful enactment - Jesus, the Healer (in Indian Dance) by the inmates of Gyan Ashram (Andheri) under the able guidance of
Fr Salat was an appropriate theme focusing on the teachings of Jesus - reaching
out to the poor and needy. Then followed the Chief Guest’s speech and the
vote of thanks by our CCO Director, Jennifer Fernandes. The programme was ably
anchored by our Master of Ceremonies Mr. Melwyn Sequeira, and the caterers, Mastson Katerers, served a delicious lunch.
Please click on the following link to view the Snaps of the Silver Jubilee held on 19th March 2009