The Dadar Unit of the Prison Ministry is one of the largest in the Archdiocese, effectively working in the Southern Region
i.e. Arthur
Road jail, Byculla jail and childrens’ remand home. It is the only unit in the country which
works six days a week including Sundays whenever required.
The research wing of the ministry has bought about a new discovery which translates into a bigger vision the importance
of the prison and its functioning as much as the B.M.C., Police, Electricity and Judiciary. If these were not in existence
it would not be possible for anybody to be secure, because the Prison Department keeps all the transgressors of society under
their care thereby giving us the liberty of a tension-free life.
The Prison Ministry conducts various regular programmes in the jail premises as follows:
Dental clinic on a weekly basis
Skin Camps
Eye camps & equipping them with spectacles
Skits with moral
Moral Counseling
Legal Counseling
Legal Aid
Literacy classes for Officials & their
Counseling prisoners families and aid
Rehabilitation of Prisoners
Drunk Driving Counseling & assistance
to offenders and families
Mass, Confessions, Praise & Worship once
a month
Christmas, New Year, Good Friday, Easter Celebration
followed by a party for prisoners
Standing guarantee for prisoners in court
Assisting enrollment in school for officials
Helping officials whether required for jail
and remand home matters

Prison Ministry celebrates Christmas with the prisoners on the Christmas Day with praise and worship, Eucharist,
confession and a party on 25th December 2009. The parishioners of Salvation Church along with the parishioners
of Holy Cross Church and the parishioners of St. Ignatius Church, Jacob Circle made it a point to sacrifice their time at
home and elsewhere to be with the prisoners on this important day of Christmas. The prisoners expressed their gratitude with
unbelief that there are people who leave their cozy home and celebrations for the sake of people in jail. They were overwhelmed
by the love, joy, peace which came to them through these three parishes of Mumbai. They were in high rocking mood and played
games and won many prizes for the same. The prisoners were very proud that they could distribute about 2500 cup cakes to all
the inmates and jail staff through the contribution of Prison Ministry.
The constable staff of Mumbai jails and their families were also given a Christmas party on 27th December
2009 at Salvation Seva Kendra Hall, Dadar. They were very grateful on learning that the Parish of Our Lady of Salvation took
the initiative to celebrate Christmas with them; they felt that our parish was very sensitive as regards the prison and its
officials. They enjoyed every game and all the fun related things that went along with it. The prison officials said they
all had a wonderful time and complimented on how well it was organized.
Sr. Jemma, National Secretary, Prison Ministry India, spoke about the inception of the Prison Ministry and thanked
all the constable staff and their families for making it to the party. Fr. Aniceto Pereira, Parish Priest also encouraged
and thanked the jail staff for all the work that they do in the prisons and all the sacrifices that they have to make in order
to keep society, safe and sound. Mr. Ravi Das thanked the parish of Our Lady of Salvation Church for the support and help
that it has been giving the Prison Ministry from time to time.
The program started with a welcome dance of praise and worship followed by the Nativity Skit organized by Br. Richard
Anthony with the parish children. Mrs. Sunita Borkar of the CCO also put up a skit by the Women’s Cell on the reality
of life in today’s world.
Elvira Lobo
Prison Cell, Dadar
Raksha bandhan celebration
in Arthur Road jail
The function started at 9.30 am with 9 ladies from Salvation church led by sister
Jennifer Fernandes.
The introduction was given by Ravi Das who explained to the prisoners what the celebration meant and that
it was not a Hindu festival but a national one. This brings people of all faiths together to live in harmony thus protecting our country from enemy attack. The culture of this tradition has now gone to the west and come in the form of friendship day, wherein people tie friendship bands on each other to keep life long friendship and loyalty.
There were around 300 inmates who had been given the opportunity of getting rakhi tied. They were waiting expectantly for this great moment when a
stranger would come in the form of a sister to fill up the vacuum in their lives.
Right from the start of the song , which described the love of a sister to her brother, the inmates broke down, some
were swaying, some just wept loudly, some just went into a trance enjoying every moment of the occasion & wondering whether
what they were seeing was real or their imagination. This was a heart warming
Not to be left behind from this divine function the jail authorities under the advice of Ravi Das too volountered for
Rakhi to be tied by our sisters, saying their own sisters were far away in their native place and it is not possible for them
to go there. They cherished every moment of it saying it was for the first time that this kind of programme was celebrated
especially with the jail authorities.
The superintendent & the Asst superintendent thanked the prison ministry for conducting such a heart warming programme which not only brought great
joy to the inmates but also to the officers and constable staff of the jail. They were very
appreciative of the sensitiveness shown by prison ministry for this programme
was apt.
The climax to the entire event was, when Ajmal Kasab the lone gunman from Pakistan noticed the Rakhis tied on the hands of the jailors, requested the
judge to also allow him to be tied Rakhi in memory of his two sisters who are in Pakistan.
Ravi Das
2008 at the Prison
Prison Ministry had
a Christmas Eucharistic celebration by Fr. Joe D'Souza, Parish Priest, St. Ignatius church on the 25th Dec 2008.
There was an electrifying
performance by a live Praise and worship team who also participated in the Eucharist. The celebration started by confessions
and praying over by Fr. Joe D'Souza. The prisoners were all dawned in the best of their clothing and with caps of Christmas
celebration. They enjoyed themselves to the full by singing, clapping and dancing to the group music and Christmas songs.
Joe and his team provided them with cakes and goodies and the Prison -Ministry distributed cakes for the entire jail. Games
were also played and gifts like soaps, shampoos were distributed. It was an event never to forget from the comments from the
prisoners and jail officials.
Christmas at the Prison |
