Christian Meditation
in the Parish.
It was in November 2000, at the visit of Fr. Laurence Freeman OSB to Mumbai that a significant interest in Meditation
was expressed. About 80- participants attended his two day seminar at the Retreat House, Bandra. Fr. Laurence had previously
been visiting India at the invitation of Fr. Joe Pereira to Kripa Foundation. Between 2000 and 2004 a concerted effort was made to introduce the practice to those interested. In January
2004 we were able to invite Fr. Laurence again this time for a week. He addressed the Clergy at a specially convened Clergy
Meeting in the presence of the then Archbishop Ivan Dias. He spent an evening addressing a gathering of Religious at Mt. Mary’s Basilica,
conducted a two –day programme for the Seminarians at St. Pius X College, Goregaon and introduced the practice of Christian
Meditation to the general public in two parishes. – Mount Carmel’s and our own
parish of Our Lady of Salvation. Fr. Joe is now responsible for Christian Meditation in the diocese and the National Coordinator
for India.
As a consequence of this, we held a 6 week introductory programme on Christian Mediation in the parish in April
2004. A meditation group was formed with the approval and encouragement of the
parish priest at the request of many of the participants of the programme.
The meetings were initially held in the Parish Hall, but the need for an atmosphere of silence and practical difficulties
led us to change the meeting place to the residence of Christopher Mendonca.
With the encouragement of Fr. Cleophas Fernandes the previous parish priest another introductory 6 week course
was conducted in the Parish in Lent 2008 and a quiet place was provided for weekly meditation in the Baptistery of the Church
after the Monday evening Mass. We were further encouraged
by the present parish priest Fr. Aniceto Pereira, who has listed the meditation group as a parish unit and provided us a Conference
Room in Seva Kendra where we meet every Monday evenings for a group meditation and to listen to the discourses of John Main
and Laurence Freeman.
Christopher & Pansy Mendonca are the present co-ordinators of the group and Caesar & Jessie Godinho are
the assistant co-ordinators. The meetings are held every Monday at 7.30 p.m. in Conference Room No. 2. from 7.30 p.m. to 8.30